



Daniel Hees, born 1939 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Studied at the academies of fine art in Düsseldorf und Rome, Italy
Lecturer for printmaking at the Düsseldorf art-academy
1983 till 2004 professor for printmaking at the university of Siegen, Germany
Since 1990 editions of artist-books under the lable „Mühleisen-Presse“
1991 Josef-Fassbender Award for drawing and printmaking, 2000 artistbook-award, Hannover

Visiting professor:
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, GB, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Academy of fine arts Alexandria und South Valley University, Luxor, Egypt
Academy of fine arts Bukarest, Rumania and faculty of fine art University Damascus, Syria




prints daniel hees